If You are His, That is the Most Important Thing About You

But know this: You’re no more or less for what you do or don’t do for God. If you are His child, you are as beloved as the super hero foster parent, riding 10 kids deep. If you are His follower, then follow Him in the way He has called you. If you are His, that is the most important thing about you.


Our kids need us to help them when they’re weak and carry them when they’re struggling.

They need us to be the other person in their “we.”

Foster the Family Book Tour

I believe that God’s Word speaks encouragement & clarity & hope to this journey of foster parenting, and I love getting to share with you the truths from Scripture that carry me. I also love to meet you & hear your stories & hug your necks.

Yes, I Get Too Attached

There's this thing that many non-foster parents say to foster parents, and it goes like this: "Oh, I could never do that. I would get too attached. I would fall in love and not be able to give them back." We've all heard it countless times, amiright?

The Roller Coaster of Foster Care

I’ve gotten pretty good at the roller coaster of foster care. The strategy: you just choose to get off the roller coaster. You forget about the ups and downs, and you remain with feet planted squarely on the ground. Some would call it denial. But it’s much deeper than that for me. I don’t ignore what’s happening. I remember that God is the One in and above what’s happening. That I have grace to sustain me today, and when tomorrow becomes today, I’ll have grace waiting for me there, too. That truly trusting Him can keep me from the stomach flips of every drop & curve.

Trauma Changes the Brain and Body

You’ve heard me say it countless times about our kids: Trauma changes the brain and body. Today I’m reminding you of this same thing for yourself. Acknowledge the trauma you’ve experienced. Recognize the way it affects you. And be vigilant in protecting and promoting your health and healing.

Zoom Out, Friends, and Find the Joy

Yeah, of course, there are a million moments of happy. But for me, the real joy—the kind that keeps you going—isn’t found in these small & sweet times. For me, it’s found by zooming out, seeing the big picture, re-focusing on the purpose & re-orienting to the why.

The System is Broken

Sometimes foster parents say the system is broken when they actually mean their hearts are broken. They say things didn’t go in the child’s best interest because they think they’re the “better” interest. Personally, I think we need to be careful not to label something as broken when it’s actually operating the way it should.

Learning How To Grieve Together

It’s really hard helping my kids handle something that I don’t know how to handle myself. I have no recipe for my own grief right now beyond trying to let myself feel sad and remembering & trusting God.

Adoption Is A Picture Of The Gospel

Our very existence as God’s people is rooted in the reality of adoption. “Once [we] were not a people, but now [we] are the people of God.” Once we were fatherless, but now—through His adoption of us—we are the children of God.

We Grieve With Hope

We grieve as those whose grief has purpose. Those whose grief has affected souls and lives and changed histories. We grieve with the joy of relationship and calling and gain. We grieve with hope.

Mama, Remember Your Child

Mama, remember your child—in all of their emotions and needs, history and complexity. And if, in the remembering, like me, you’re overwhelmed by weight of it, aware of how little you can do to “fix it,” unsure what they need...just hold them in your arms and hug ‘em through it.