If You are His, That is the Most Important Thing About You

If You are His, That is the Most Important Thing About You

Most of what I share speaks directly to foster and adoptive parents. This one's for the rest of you. You read what I write, but I want to make sure you're not reading into what I don't write, so I'm going to spell it out, clear as can be.

I believe that foster care and adoption are beautiful expressions of sacrificial and radical love. I believe it’s important work that transforms lives. I believe that they’re a glorious earthly picture of the gospel. But.

Foster and adoptive parenting isn’t some higher level of Christian living. It’s not the only way to love and serve the vulnerable, or the only important thing. It isn’t the gospel, and it doesn’t earn any sort of favor from God.

Following Jesus looks different in each of His disciples. And really, the following is secondary anyway. Above and before how I follow God is the fact that He rescued me and made me His follower to begin with. It’s not what I’m doing for Him, it’s what He’s done for me.

If you’re following along with my family, I can only guess that you have a heart for foster care and adoption. Orphan care is dear to the heart of God; I’m so glad it’s dear to your heart as well. But know this: You’re no more or less for what you do or don’t do for God. If you are His child, you are as beloved as the super hero foster parent, riding 10 kids deep. If you are His follower, then follow Him in the way He has called you. If you are His, that is the most important thing about you.

Your Loss is Real, Your Pain is Deep, Your Grief is True

Your Loss is Real, Your Pain is Deep, Your Grief is True

Control is an Illusion

Control is an Illusion