Foster the Family Book

Foster the Family Book

Friends, this is it!! The title & cover & preorder deets of my (actual real life, dream come true) upcoming book, Foster the Family!! šŸ˜­

Follow this LINK for info about the preorder bundle (free goodies!) & book tour (headed to 20 cities!). And stay tuned for upcoming word on the book launch team!

Iā€™m so grateful for your prayers & support & enthusiasm surrounding the book. šŸ¤
ā€œI wish foster care had a manual. It doesnā€™t, and I wouldnā€™t dare presume to write one. Iā€™m not an expert, and I donā€™t have all the answers. This book is not a how-to kind of book. Itā€™s a from-the-trenches kind of book, a wrestling-with-God-in-the-desert kind of book. Most of all, this is a tasted-and-seen kind of book.

I pray that my times of digging through Godā€™s Word and searching for an answer bring you some direction. I pray that my grappling with the difficulties of this life of foster parenting produces for you some level of peace. I pray that my tripping and falling on my face allows you to avoid the same pitfalls. I pray that God meets you through reading this as He has met me through writing it.ā€ - Excerpt from the Intro of Foster the Family

Adoption is, at Once, No Different at All and All So Different

Adoption is, at Once, No Different at All and All So Different

ā€œWhat is Seen is Temporary, but What is Unseen is Eternalā€

ā€œWhat is Seen is Temporary, but What is Unseen is Eternalā€