Foster the Family Book Tour

Foster the Family Book Tour

When my team started talking about how to promote Foster the Family, I was sure of one thing: I wanted as many opportunities as possible to share with you—face to face—the message of the book.

I believe that God’s Word speaks encouragement & clarity & hope to this journey of foster parenting, and I love getting to share with you the truths from Scripture that carry me. I also love to meet you & hear your stories & hug your necks.

This winter/spring, I’ll be traveling to 20 cities, sharing Foster the Family, teaching God’s Word, and meeting you! I CANNOT WAIT. Dates & locations are up now. Check to see if the FTF book tour is coming to a city near you!!



Adoption is, at Once, No Different at All and All So Different

Adoption is, at Once, No Different at All and All So Different