Learning What a Man Can and Should Be

Learning What a Man Can and Should Be

Our guy had a special date with dad today, but not before he asked dad to get changed so they could match. 🥹

When we learned our guy was back in foster care, we had many *discussions* (foster parents, you know the kind). Discussions about what welcoming him would mean to our delicate family balance, the kinds of things he’s been through & how it could play out in our home, and the sheer number of kids it would bring our family count to. We were both afraid and overwhelmed, but always the pragmatist, Alan was far more reluctant.

During our final discussion, I said, “Alan, if we’re going to say yes, I need to know that you’re all in. It’s going to be really hard. We’ll both need you to have full faith (even if not complete enthusiasm) if we’re going to be able to do it. Besides, I think you will be even more crucial to his healing—as his (foster) *dad*—than I will be.”

I’ve watched my (afraid, overwhelmed, pragmatic, reluctant) husband be intentional, affectionate, protective, compassionate, faithful, willing, brave, and so very loving. And I’ve watched our guy begin to experience the healing that comes from a love like that.

I’ve watched him learn what a man can and should be—from the very best man I know.

Afternoon Chronicles of a Chauffeur Mom

Afternoon Chronicles of a Chauffeur Mom