Learning What a Man Can and Should Be

I’ve watched my (afraid, overwhelmed, pragmatic, reluctant) husband be intentional, affectionate, protective, compassionate, faithful, willing, brave, and so very loving. And I’ve watched our guy begin to experience the healing that comes from a love like that.

Pictures Are a Gift

I can see a picture and stop for a moment and sit in gratitude of the blessing of this life of mine—without the arguing or pooping or spilling cereal across the floor or kicking holes in the wall or getting calls from the principal or stealing candy or eye rolling or “but momming” or streaking or coloring on the walls or crying or...

Real Talk

Real talk: Sometimes, I regret jumping into this life of foster care & adoption. I crave normal. I resent the hard. I grieve the loss. I long for ease.

Just a Subpar Mom Running on Grace

I’m trying to keep it real. I had *no idea* that she had a vision problem until she failed her screening at the pediatrician recently. I was absolutely shocked. The doctor: “She can’t see.” Bella: “I told you!” Me: “You did?!”
Mom fail. 🫣🫠

With God, All Things Are Possible

“Drowning” is a word I’ve been using a lot recently. I’m drowning—drowning in children, drowning in tasks, drowning in my emotions and everyone else’s, drowning in needs and struggles, drowning in the heaviness of it all.

We Eat Dinner as a Family

We sit together and eat and talk. We each share our “high-low” of the day. When we read the Bible together, we realize the kids are remembering and starting to understand!

"Can I Call You Mom?"

So here’s to belonging.
Here’s to knowing you’re loved fully & included wherever you are.
Here’s to both families.
Here’s to truly honoring first family & fully welcoming into foster family.

One Week Into a New Placement

Remember that you can do all things through Him who gives you strength. Rely on his all-sufficient grace to carry and sustain you. Boast in your weakness, and find yourself miraculously strengthened by Him.