We Live in a Broken World

We Live in a Broken World

We live in a broken world.

We know this because we have chosen to open our lives and our homes to brokenness. We know this because, well, it lives inside of us.

And because we are surrounded by brokenness and aware of our own brokenness, it is temping to believe that brokenness is winning, that it will have the final word.

But Jesus has already had the final word.

He has already defeated darknes.
He is already victorious over sin.
He has already purchased healing from brokenness.

And He is now—currently, right this instant—sitting on the throne and making all things new. (Rev 21:5)

We are living now in the in between of waiting for what He already did to be fully realized—what theologians call the “already but not yet.”

But we hold the hope–the SURE hope–that the darkness and brokenness will not last, could never win because of Him.

Are you overwhelmed by the brokenness that surrounds you?
Have you wept in sorrow over what you’re walking through?
Are you brokenhearted by what your children are experiencing?

These tears, they have an expiration. This sadness is coming to an end.

One day—on *that* day—your God, “will wipe every tear from your eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain.” (Rev. 21:4) He is making all things new.

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I Want to be a Perfect Mom for My kids

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You Know This Doesn't Have to be a Life Calling, Right?