It's All Only Grace

It's All Only Grace

You’re looking at a mom who lost it on her kids this morning. Like ugly yelling, screaming, you’d hit that unfollow button if you’d seen. I was running late and stressed because—get this—I read my Bible too long. 🫠 *cue the shame*

I want to peel away the facade, give a peek beyond the cute kids and laughing faces to the real me.

I, too, yell when I’m stressed. I’m impatient and imperfect, selfish and sinful. I’m weak and flawed, incredibly far from a model mom. However you struggle in your heart & home, I struggle just the same.

But the “I’m messy just like you” message is not nearly enough.

You feeling seen by seeing me is a good thing. But it is secondary to you seeing how I need the grace of God for every single thing.

For the yelling, screaming, bad mom morning—it is the grace of God that offers me forgiveness and healing and transformation.

For the gentle answers, kind responses, good momming I sometimes bring—it is the grace of God that empowers and enables and sustains.

It’s all only grace. Grace for the bad, grace for the good. My bad days covered by His grace and my good days carried by His grace.

So I hope you kick away any pedestal you may have constructed for me. But more than that, I hope that you join me at the throne of grace.

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