All of Parenting is a Cycle

All of Parenting is a Cycle

Trauma-informed, attachment-rich parenting is hard, and it’s exhausting.

Being available to your kids, emphasizing connection, seeing the need behind the behavior, approaching with compassion—it’s just plain hard work.

How do you do this hard work consistently & well?
The answer: You don't.
You fail.
Then you repent, repair, & reorient.
And then you fail again. And so on.

The longer I’m at this parenting thing, the more deeply I understand that the tools & strategies are limited. Mostly because I am limited. I am limited in my energy & strength, in my goodness & love, in my ability to perfectly implement imperfect methods.

All of parenting is a cycle, bringing us over & over again to our desperate need for the grace of God. And this place of grace is the very best place we could be.

God Intended for Families to be Together...

God Intended for Families to be Together...

What Is Your Why?

What Is Your Why?