A Call from the Principle
A call from the principal. Again.
What went wrong? I can’t ever expect, I rarely know, I never fully understand. Trauma triggers come in every size & shape & place & sound, and when they come, they pull down everything in their way.
“Why can’t our family just be normal?” I bemoaned silently.
The answer: We could’ve been, but we chose not to be.
We chose to step into brokenness. A brokenness that is not easily mended, a brokenness that writes itself on DNA & belief systems & physiological reactions. But we stepped into this place, and we walk in is still.
And as we walk—and stumble and fall and resent that we have to walk in at all—we remember.
We remember that as we pursue and love and offer hope to broken children, we’re mirroring the One who did this for us.
We remember that God is a God who stepped into our brokenness, took our brokenness upon Himself, and healed the broken places, by His wounds.
The call to love a child with a broken past sometimes comes as a call from a principal. It’s a holy call. To die to self and to live in love and to remember always: That above and before being those who love broken people, we’re those who were loved AS broken people.