Write Your Heart Out - Guest Series: Krista's Story

Write Your Heart Out - Guest Series: Krista's Story

I had never written anything for another person to actually read before. I thought it was presumptuous to assume that others would want to spend their precious time reading anything I had to say, arrogant to think I had anything to say in the first place. But a friend asked me to write down my story, so I panicked/nearly refused/complied and came up with "The Journey Into Foster Care." His request and affirmation built my confidence (read as: faith) to continue writing and to share my words with others.

After literally googling “how to start a blog,” I learned that after writing something, you're supposed to share it with other writers who have common interests. I shared my story with about five orphan care bloggers and pages I followed, then watched as something I never could’ve anticipated happened. They shared it with others and those others shared it with others and those others shared it with other others, until, within a week, somewhere around a million people had read my words.

This is when I learned how powerful sharing your story can be.

I walked around for a week with tears in my eyes as complete strangers shared how they were inspired to get involved in foster care, encouraged to stay the course with their current fosters, and curious about this Jesus I wrote of.

My story is simple and common and mediocre-ly written, but God used it.

All of this is the inspiration for this week’s series of guest posts from readers of Foster the Family. Some of them are writers and some are “just” moms, but they were all faithful to write and share their story with others and, eventually, with me. I want to give them the gift that others gave to me in sharing their words. But more importantly, I want to give you the gift of reading their words and entering their stories.

I chose to share Krista’s words first, as she was the inspiration for this series. She was inspired by “Storytelling Changes the World” to share her story on Facebook, even though she considered herself a “terrible story teller.” She was faithful to write and share, asking for prayer and hoping to inspire someone, and she was amazed at how her story resonated with and moved her friends and family. I was so encouraged by her step of faith and enthusiasm to encourage others that I asked her if I could share it as well, and this series was born.

I'm reading about how sharing your story can change the world. I'm a terrible story teller. I do have a story, but not sure how to begin to tell it.

One thing God has called my family to is foster care and adoption or the "plight of the orphan" if you would like to call it that. Some people say the "fatherless" but I really think these children need mommas too, so that's not really my go-to saying. There have been extreme ups and downs on this insane roller coaster. I've seen some gorgeous views from up high and some gruesome sights I thought may kill me in the valleys. God has been there every inch of the way. Guiding, leading, gently correcting, knocking me down, cheering us on, and just being the Almighty God. I've never learned so much in one single year.

We have been waiting to find out if we are going to be able to eventually adopt our foster son. We believed it would be the greatest gift, but didn't know exactly what God's desire for our sweet boy and our family was. He is God, and I am not. And for the very first time in my life, I was really okay with that. I was grateful to God for this opportunity he placed in our family, if for no other reason than to show me more about who HE is and who I am not! He is the I AM!

Today we found out our year long prayers are being answered in the way that we had hoped. We will be able to adopt our foster son in the not so near, but not so distant, future. There is no timeline when you're waiting on the government.

This evening I am overcome. Overcome with joy and sadness, excitement and fear, relief and pain. It's all there. Right there on the surface.

Everyone who says adoption comes out of great loss is right. It's so sad that our son's parents are losing their son. They don't know him. They don't know how happy he is, how friendly he is, what his enormous smile looks like, how he reaches out and grins at people he knows and just looks like he wants to bear hug them, how he tucks that little hand around the back of my arm and holds on tight while I carry him, and then pinches when I'm not doing what he wants, how he plays with my hair when I rock him and how he pushes my face away when I sing to him. They don't get to experience these amazing blessings.

Then there's just elation over knowing he will be ours and we will be his forever parents. He will officially be our son. When I told the kids they were so excited. Our conversations get to change from IF we adopt him to WHEN we adopt him.

I wanted to share this to maybe inspire someone, anyone, reading who feels the soft whispers of God telling you to "do a little more", "I'll help you", "do not be afraid", "I have a job for you to do" to listen and start acting on those whispers. God has me be still a lot and wait patiently for Him. I'm learning how to do that, but thankful there are lots of times that He calls us to action. Lots of action and lots of doing. Be not just hearers of the Word only, but doers. And faith without works is dead. You have to do some things.

Written by: Krista

Write Your Heart Out - Guest Series: Sarah's Story

Write Your Heart Out - Guest Series: Sarah's Story

Reading Corner: Books for Kids in Foster Care - Murphy's Three Homes

Reading Corner: Books for Kids in Foster Care - Murphy's Three Homes