What About My Kids

What About My Kids

“I miss *our girl*...she was a good sister.”

“I know she was. And I miss her, too.”

“Remember when her mom said, ‘It’s not goodbye, it’s see you later?’”

“Yeah, I do.”

“...But then she changed her mind.”


When people ask the “but what about my kids” question, what they want to be reassured of is this: My kids are going to be ok. And you know what? Your kids might not be “ok” in the ways that you mean. Chances are, they’ll be sad, might be scared, may even be hurt. They’ll certainly be affected, touched, changed.

The “what about my kids” question is important, though, because it must be answered. We have to wrestle and conclude—not that foster care is “worth it” despite the effects on our forever kids—but that, ultimately, we trust God for our forever kids. We have to decide and believe and remember and re-remember that He’s using everything they face to make them who He has them to be. That He’s a good God to them with good plans for them. That He fills in gaps, meets needs, tends to hearts. That, through foster care, He’s shaping their souls and their stories, too.

When You Are Weak, Then You Are Strong.

When You Are Weak, Then You Are Strong.

Our Kids Need So Much

Our Kids Need So Much