Our Children Need Us to Get Too Attached

Our Children Need Us to Get Too Attached

Our children need us to get too attached.

Love is costly–attachment is costly–and it takes a person willing to absorb the cost of it, someone who’s willing to spend up their hearts on this lofty and worthy price tag.

Getting attached to a child who will most likely leave means living in tension. It means freely releasing your heart–where you love and feel and connect–but holding the reigns on your mind–where you plan and hope and daydream.

Foster parent, how do you balance the impossible tension of loving a child like they’re your own, when they’re not? You keep a strong hold on your thoughts, a close leash on your worries. You keep your mind sealed up tight.

But you don’t ever close your heart. You keep that wide open.

Foster Care Affects Every Member of Our Family

Foster Care Affects Every Member of Our Family

The Best I Can Do

The Best I Can Do