They Are Made in the Image of God

They Are Made in the Image of God

No matter if our kids are fostered, adopted, ours for a short time or forever…

No matter what their parents have done or not done…

There is something that can & should always be true of us as foster & adoptive parents.

That we:
Pray for
Hold gratitude for
Speak with compassion of
Show respect towards
Root for
Think the best of
our kids’ parents.

Because they matter to our kids…
Because they hold a piece of our kids—they *are* a piece of our kids….
Because they will always be a part of our kids’ stories and identities…
…no matter what they’ve done or haven’t done.

Most of all, because they are made in the image of God—created by Him and deeply loved by Him…no matter what they’ve done or haven’t done.

This One's for the Rest of You

This One's for the Rest of You