Real Talk

Real Talk

Real talk: sometimes I regret building my life this way. I crave normal. I resent the hard. I grieve the loss. I long for ease.

It will all hit at once, and I’ll spend a day in tears and pity, wishing & weeping & wanting.

But then I remember. The God who’s brought me here, who’s carried me before and carries me still, who despite it all and by it all has blessed me deeply. And I get up & stand again on the promises I own in Him. I re-place my trust, refocus on the mission, rejoice in all I have. And I rediscover, again, the great joy of this life I get to live.

(Informed & inspired by one of my favorite ever quotes by John Piper: “Occasionally weep deeply over the life you thought would be. Grieve the losses. Then wash your face. Trust God. And embrace the life you have.”)

“She’s Not Attention Seeking, She’s Attachment Seeking”

“She’s Not Attention Seeking, She’s Attachment Seeking”

Why Can't Our Family Just Be Normal?

Why Can't Our Family Just Be Normal?