Living in the Both/And

Living in the Both/And

The thing about Social Media is that you can really only say one thing at a time. You get a few words and a cute photo to get a quick point across, and it doesn’t allow much space for nuance.

+ Foster care is broken...or foster care is beautiful.
+ Adoption is trauma...or adoption is healing.
+ Families should be reunified...or children should be protected
+ I’m working to do better...or all is grace.
+ Life is so incredibly hard...or life is so stinking sweet.
+ God is sovereign...or it wasn’t supposed to be like this.

But that’s not life welcoming a child through foster care.
It’s not either/or. It’s both/and.

+ I am praying for healing in this guy’s family...and I’m grateful he has a safe place with our family until then.
+ Being removed from his mama is traumatic...and he’ll be nurtured and protected by me while I’m his mama.
+ I want him to stay...and I want him to go.
+ It’s devastating that he has to be in foster care... and it’s a blessing that he’s with us.

Foster care means living in the both/and.

You Know This Doesn't Have to be a Life Calling, Right?

You Know This Doesn't Have to be a Life Calling, Right?

All One Family Together

All One Family Together