The Life of a Foster Parent

The Life of a Foster Parent

The life of a foster parent…

The hellos and goodbyes, the revolving door, the empty seat at the table.

The days peppered with visits and court dates and appointments, lawyers and therapists and workers, with just too much and not enough time. The laying yourself bare to the system.

The sharing of our family with another family—wading into people’s stories, stepping into their brokenness, opening ourselves to their need.

The holes in walls and “I hate yous” and calls from the principal, the tears and fears and screams, the diagnoses and prognoses and never ending needs.

The rollercoaster of emotions—the heartbreak of loss, the anxiety of the future, the overwhelm of the privilege, the joy of the love both given and received.

The great privilege, the overwhelming gift, the “worth it” of it all.

Hold Space for Everything Else

Hold Space for Everything Else

Our Kids' Parents Have So Much to Overcome

Our Kids' Parents Have So Much to Overcome