I do It Intentionally

I do It Intentionally

Besides believing that my kids looking outward and loving sacrificially is, ultimately, for their good, I believe this simple reality: The way I model foster care for my kids becomes the way they live it out. The way I talk about foster care becomes their inner voice. The way I process through it all becomes the blueprint for them to do the same.

My (adopted) daughter, with baby boy in her arms, said like a commercial for foster care but straight, deep down from her heart: “I wish we could adopt him, but he has a mommy. He’s my brother now, but when his mommy's ready, he’ll get to be with her again!" Oh boy, does she get it.

I don't do this foster (or adoptive...or bio...) parenting thing perfectly, but I do it intentionally.
I talk about foster care like it's a privilege to play a part in something broken being healed.

I share about goodbyes like they're sad, but not like they're bad.

I explain that the parts that are hard are hard because they're important.

I let my kids see my tears, but not hear my fears.

Speak to your kids about foster care the way you hope they'll think about foster care, because they're listening. And live out foster care the way you hope they'll live out foster care, because they're watching.

I Can Still Be "Pro-Bio Family" Because I Know That God is "Pro-Bio Family"

I Can Still Be "Pro-Bio Family" Because I Know That God is "Pro-Bio Family"

What a Privilege it is To Be a (Foster) Mom

What a Privilege it is To Be a (Foster) Mom