Filled: 60 Devotions for the Foster Parent's Heart

Filled: 60 Devotions for the Foster Parent's Heart

Officially *less than a month* out from the release of Filled: 60 Devotions for the Foster Parent’s Heart!!

The launch team & preorder gang have been reading Filled, and I got my first review from the first foster parent to finish the book! Real talk, it is so humbling to see how my foster care journey (and all my struggling & stumbling & running to God’s Word for hope & help) is used by God to encourage other foster parents.

You can preorder now and grab a whole bunch of pre-order perks (including the first week of devotions to read NOW) or join the launch team and get a copy of the WHOLE BOOK to start reading today!

I would also LOVE to get to meet you in person at one of the Filled book tour events. Join me for a night of encouragement for foster parents in GA, TN, CO, TX, MA, FL, SC, or MD. Some dates are almost sold out, so grab your tickets ASAP!

(Anyone else been reading Filled?? I’d love to hear what you think in the comments! 🤭)

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